2024 Charity Choice
We wanted to take a minute and highlight why exactly we chose our local Ronald McDonald house as our Charity this year. In 2023, they were able to….
Serve 3,916 families
Provide 5868 meals
Provide 7,393 nights
Those are your friends and neighbors being helped directly — in an immediate and impactful way.
We have worked with RMHCC multiple times over the last decade and the EURO staff gets to interact with them often. We know them and the heart they have for our local community and we want to make sure they can continue doing their work; and doing it in such an impactful way.
Already this year, they have seen a 42% increase in family visits and an 18% increase in nights provided. Let’s make sure we turn our passion for the Auto / Moto community into what truly makes a good community… helping those in need.
So.. what can you do right now that would help Ronald McDonald House?
Two things come immediately to mind…
Purchase something off their Amazon wish list
Donate directly